Friday 8 April 2011


These are my pictures I have used in my magazine. I have put up my original images and my Photoshopped images to fit easily into my magazine.

By Jamie

Lee's Contents

This is the final contents page for my magazine.
This is my final doublepage spread. I like the fact that the interview is writen on a picture of a notepad that i uploaded. This makes it seem a more relaxed interview and as if you are actually reading the notes. Also i like that the words "The Future" are under them band swearing. It gives the impresstion that they are like screw the future and rebelious!
This is my contents page. I like the fact that the C for both Crunch and Contents is the same one. The background is consistant through out this magazine with black, red and white. Sticking with three colours makes the apearence less overwhelming and easier on the eyes.
This is my front cover. I think that the masthead stands out well and the fact that lee's head overlaps it gives the imprestion that he is the main focus and more inportant. Also having him on the front cover is important because my double page spread will be about him and his band "Blood Tomb".

Monday 4 April 2011

This is Jamie's Final Front cover, Contents and Double page.

I have used the colour green to represent my magazine from the other magazines my group has produced.
It was hard to get it to look proffesionly produced by actual magazine companies.  
I used photoshop in most of my images to create a transparent background so that only the models were there. I didnt have access to studio lighting although i did take the photos in the studio and i brightened the contrast, brightness, vibrance and changed the colour in some of the photos in photoshop to improve the images.
I have dressed the models in black 'Deathy' look to address the audiences demographic.

By Jamie Semp