Monday 24 January 2011

Mood Boards

As part of our task we created mood boards as part of our preparation and research for out magazines. Each Mood Board represents a different sub-genre of Rock music...

This is a sub-genre of Punk rock, made by Lee Robson.

This mood board contains imagery involving wild designs against the normal thing to see such as bright colours against black and white, rebellious styles such as graffiti, a wild styles. The imagery in this is especially targeted at the concept of "fighting the system".

The images also tend to show stuff being broken and in a state of disrepair.

This is in the Sub-genre of post-harcore and electronic rock, made by Jamie Semp.

This mood board doesnt have very much colour, which is the stereotypical view of an Emo. The colours which are present are quite bright blues, pinks and yellows. the text is in a font which appeals to more rebellious people, it is 'broken' and large and is written across the bands cover. There are lots of 'fight the system' quotes and motives in this board.

This is the sub-genre of alternative, made by Jake Smith.

This mood board gives out a very rebellious mood, the way that the colours are odd and bright and that the facial expressions are of expression of energy and anger. The pictures chosen give out the genre and how it is sterotyped to alternative music. The guitars and skateboards show what type of audience would listen to this kind of music.

This the sub-genre of metal, made by Nathan Wersching.                                          
 All the pictures in the include black or dark colours this creates a devilish heavy feel. This resembles the hardcore heavy rifts with a bad attitude. Also many people have tattoos and piecings which gives them their own images and makes them look scary and hard.

Wednesday 19 January 2011



Our names are Jake Smith, Jamie Semp, Nathan Wershing and Lee Robson. This is out blog for our AS Foundation Production coursework where we will create a magazine.

We have chosen to centralise ourmagazing around Rock music, with different issues each targeting a different area including Punk, Alternative, Electro and Metal.

We hope you will enjoy looking through how our work has progressed as we worked through the project to complete our final coursework.