Thursday 31 March 2011

This is Jakes final content page, it shows what you will see in the magazine. I like this because i have hand drew the P and put them in where it says Page, this links in to the whole punk or rock genre we are doing because it has an aggresive look and is a DIY theme.
This is Jakes final double page and it is layed out a little like Lee's double page, the use of the picture in the background gives the reader the image of them knowing what they are looking at instead of loads of little pictures, the white writing stands out and you can read it but there is parts where it is not as clead I think the arms going over the name of the band is a good idea.

Monday 28 March 2011

This is Jakes Final front cover, it is a lot different to the preliminary task. I worked hard to get all of the little snipets of writing around the picture. I think that the name of the band going across the middle signifies good what my double page will be about. The colour scheme goes well with the genre of alternative rock i think.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Lee's Final Double Page Spread

This is the final draft of my double page spread. Since, the last draft I have changed my background image, added a smaller picture to the left of the article and 2 pull quotes in to the main body of text. I have also decided to expand my text over to 4 columns instead of 2 or just one large chunk. Finally, I have changed the font of my headline and dragged it to one side to suit the layout of the picture.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Lee's Front Cover Draft

This is the first draft of my final front cover. Overall I'm very happy with it and the way it looks, I'm especially pleased with the colour scheme and how well everything stands out where it needs to and generally looks good. However, I may consider changing the thumbnail phots so that they suit the genre of punk more and will change the small text around them to look more blocky, once again to suit the genre.

Monday 14 March 2011

Themed Crunch Logos

As a group we decided that it would be a good idea to have individually different logos, all the same as the final one shown before, but with a different colour C. The colour relates to the main genre of each individual magazine in some way. Blood Red for metal, Pink for punk, Blue for alternative and a lime/neon green for electronic rock.

Lee's FInal Pictures

These are the final images I have decided to use for my front cover and double page spread.

 The first image shows just one member of the band, the frontman, the looking in towards the camera to give the effect that he is connecting with the audience. The background is cut out so that a themed background can be added and the image can be easily worked around other things on the front cover.

The second image shows the full band and will be spread along the whole double page, this will be used as a background. Over this there will be a text box, the headline and perhaps some other thumbnail pictures. The background has been carefully selected to show a fresh blue sky and green grass to emphasise the happy nature of the band. Small elements of the college environment have also been caught in the background which relates to the age and lifestyle of the band.

This is jake's draft front cover, it gives a basic layout of what i will actually be using in my final front cover. I have taken in some of the feedback i got from my class mates and teachers, I shall then be changing it and using the feedback to make it better.

This is my edited front page, It has no borders, there isn't much changed but this is the feedback that i got so i decided to put it into action.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Lee's Double Page Spread First Draft

This is the first draft for my double page spread article. It features a large picture of the band in an action pose as the background, the actual text article is in a large text box at the bottom of the page with a translucent backing colour to make the text stand out. In my final article, I will be redesigning this to show the text in columns, making it easier to read and to avoid having text where the staples will be in a magazine. However, I think the semi-transparent background and white text is good and I'll be keeping this for my final piece.

The background image I am haooy with, although I will be using a completely different image in the final piece, I like the idea of having a fun action shot, perhaps with some smaller images down the side if the final photo gives room for such an idea. The headline for the article will also have a better font in the final piece, perhaps with a different colour and something which matches the Crunch logo and house style better.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Jakes Double page Article

Download Double Page Article

This is Jakes double page article on the band that he has interviewed and decided to do his article about.


These are some notes we have done. This includes Jamie Semp's and Jake Smith's double page mock-up and Nathan Wersching's Band's Title/ Name. There are also some notes I have taken for my Article piece and an interview.

Preliminary Photographs

 This is a mock up photo of Nathan and Lee, what we do not like about this photo is that they are both trying to hard by looking at the camera, if we took this photo again then I would make them look at each other because this would make them seem like they are in action.
I don't think I would change anything about this photo, I would deffinatley like to use this photo in our double page spread, I would probably crop it down because there is to much background showing. I like this photo as it shows everyone doing what they want, this photo seems rebellious which is what we were looking for.
 I like this photo as jake is looking up at the camera  which gives it the rocky edge, it also shows him in his rock pose because he is holding the guitar. I would keep this photo as we need photos of seperate members such as the photo of lee and Nathan.

I like this photo the most because it is just like the second photo, it shows the band at their best. If I changed this photo I would add in jamie a bit more because you want the full band.