Thursday 3 March 2011

Preliminary Photographs

 This is a mock up photo of Nathan and Lee, what we do not like about this photo is that they are both trying to hard by looking at the camera, if we took this photo again then I would make them look at each other because this would make them seem like they are in action.
I don't think I would change anything about this photo, I would deffinatley like to use this photo in our double page spread, I would probably crop it down because there is to much background showing. I like this photo as it shows everyone doing what they want, this photo seems rebellious which is what we were looking for.
 I like this photo as jake is looking up at the camera  which gives it the rocky edge, it also shows him in his rock pose because he is holding the guitar. I would keep this photo as we need photos of seperate members such as the photo of lee and Nathan.

I like this photo the most because it is just like the second photo, it shows the band at their best. If I changed this photo I would add in jamie a bit more because you want the full band.

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